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Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (Кларк Сюзанна); Bloomsbury, 2017

Книга: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (Кларк Сюзанна); Bloomsbury, 2017

  • Издатель: Bloomsbury

  • ISBN: 9781408891469

  • EAN: 9781408891469

  • Книги: Современная проза

  • ID: 1823293

  • Добавлено: 13.12.2017


A beautiful new limited edition paperback of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, published as part of the Bloomsbury Modern Classics list.The woman within the mirror drew nearer. For a moment she appeared directly behind it and they could see the elaborate embroidery and beading of her gown; then she mounted up upon the frame as a step. The surface of the mirror became softer, like a dense cloud or mist.Centuries have passed since practical magicians faded into England's past. Only one remains: the reclusive Mr Norrell, whose magical powers - of conjuring, misdirection and resurrection - send a thrill through the country.But cautious, fussy Norrell is challenged by the emergence of the brilliant Jonathan Strange. Young, handsome and daring, Strange is the antithesis of Norrell. And so begins a dangerous battle between two great men whose obsessions and dabblings with the dark arts will cause more trouble than they can possibly imagine.

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О книге

Основные характеристики товара
Год издания2017
Кол-во страниц1008
ПереплетМягкая бумажная
Размеры13,00 см × 19,70 см × 5,80 см
СерияBloomsbury Modern Classics
ТематикаСовременная проза

Видео обзоры

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell - Sand Horses

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell - Sand Horsesзапуск видео


Official Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Trailer | BBC America

Official Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Trailer | BBC Americaзапуск видео


AGAIN👀Johnatan Strange and Mr. Norrel Ep1 MoonStoneChannel

AGAIN👀Johnatan Strange and Mr. Norrel Ep1 MoonStoneChannelзапуск видео


Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell S01E04 HDTV XviD FUM

Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell S01E04 HDTV XviD FUMзапуск видео


Johnatan Strange and Mr. Norrel Ep2

Johnatan Strange and Mr. Norrel Ep2запуск видео


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Книги: Современная зарубежная литература, проза на английском языке - издательство "Bloomsbury"
Книги: Современная зарубежная литература, проза на английском языке с ценой 460 р. - 691 р.

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Книга: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (Кларк Сюзанна); Bloomsbury, 2017


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Отзывы (1)

  • 5/5

    I must confess it's one of the best books in English I have. The cover made of cardboard with a raised surface. The pages have a pleasant tone and made of a qualitative paper. Oh, and I love the way this book smells! Despite the fact, months have passed since I got the book, it still has the same "old library" smell which perfectly corresponds to the novel's atmosphere. One of the main characters possesses the biggest library of unique magic books in England. It's well-known that magic no longer practised. Some of Englishmen found historical 'English magic' societies which meant to learn the history but not perform magic itself. But our adorable and weird Mr Norrell is about to change the lie of the land. Considering the continuing collision between England and France, he fulfils his impulse to help his government and reveals the hobby he has. But it appears he never was the only practising magician. There is one young man who performs magic. And they are destined to meet each other. Mr Norrell doesn't feel friendly enough to share his library freely. He also feels quite disturbed by the fact of possible rivalry. Jonathan Strange, his 'pupil', feels the need of Norrell's knowledge and books, and he also feels irritated by Norrell's behaviour. Be watching these two is real entertainment. The novel is full of excellent jokes and adventures. Funny and mysterious at the same time this novel deserves to be named "Harry Potter for adults". And one more thing, the book has good drawings which enhance the atmosphere even more. Tbh this edition is not that easy to read (the book is quite heavy and I'm afraid of ripping off the pages ignoring the fact they are attached very well). But! I'm so glad I've bought the original edition! I've tried to read the novel in Russian. It appears two different stories I dare say (I mean atmosphere, characters and so on). This novel and edition itself worth every penny and all the effort. I recommend you to try it yourself. I can't even imagine the person who won't like this splendid book.

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Книги: Современная зарубежная литература, проза на английском языке - издательство "Bloomsbury"

Категория 460 р. - 691 р.

Современная проза - издательство "Bloomsbury" »

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Категория 460 р. - 691 р.

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